Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pumpkin Fudge

This year my Pumpkin and Egg Nog Fudge are a huge it.  The thing I love about making fudge is figuring out for myself how to make whichever flavor hits me at the moment.  For me it makes the process fun.  If someone asked me for the recipe I use I could not give them one since it is in my head, except for chocolate as that is a family recipe.
I suggest for you to look online and find one that you like and make it or find a base you like to use and experiment with flavors.
With Pumpkin Fudge I try to use real pumpkin.  Halloween is the best for me since I am carving them for my kids anyway.  You can also check with farms in your area.  There are some out there that make their own filling or jar/can the pumpkin for you.  The easiest way is to get it at the grocery store.  I feel that when people are buying it from me I owe them more than using store canned items to make their fudge, but even at times I have to go that route.

So anyway……have fun with making it.
If there is a fudge recipe you love then you can post it here for others to try it.
Fudge….it’s one of the simple things that make life great.  
Ladybug Fudge's Pumpkin Spice Fudge

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